How much kratom should I take?

You can consult with a licensed health practitioner for specific instructions on how much kratom you should take. Typical ranges for doses of the plant are as follows:

  • 1-2 grams: Small
  • 3-5 grams: Moderate
  • 8 grams or more: High

The key is to start small. After that, gradually increase your dosage and try different amounts and figure out what works best for you. You may find that different amounts and strains work better for you in different situations. However, when in doubt, consistency is the best rule.

If you ever find yourself developing a tolerance (taking more and more to get the same results), take a break if possible, and taper your way down (take just slightly less each time) until you get to where you want to be.

Can I mix kratom with other Herbs or Supplements?

There are all kinds of herbs and supplements, as well as coffee, that can be mixed with kratom to enhance its benefits or provide alternate effects. We discuss some of these on our Kaizen Youtube/video channel.

Is it ok to drive after taking kratom?

You are totally fine to drive on kratom, same as coffee. However, just like coffee or energy drinks, avoid using stimulating effects to stay awake to drive. If you’re too fatigued to drive safely, get some rest first.

Should you eat before, after, or while consuming kratom? How much time should be between kratom and meals?

You can eat alongside kratom; however, you are likely to lose some positive effects as some of the kratom is digested with the food and does not reach the brain.

I love the positive effects but can't stomach the taste of kratom. What can I do?

You have several great options. The first and easiest and most obvious is to buy [link to capsules product] capsules. Capsules take longer to absorb into the body but they work great and you barely taste the kratom.

Another option is to add sweetener and flavor that makes a good-tasting concoction. One of the easiest solutions is lemon juice + stevia or monk fruit extract. Any sweetener can counter the bitter taste of kratom, and various other ingredients and methods can be used to make a good-tasting tea or similar drink. You can even mix kratom and sweetener into a smoothie. Ideally a small smoothie, since you don’t want to consume too many calories alongside kratom.

Another option is to drink down the bitter kratom and follow it with a bite of apple, squeeze of lemon, or other “chaser”. And the more you get used to it, the more you may become used to and unbothered by the taste of kratom itself.

How do I avoid developing a kratom dependance?

The easiest way to avoid developing a kratom dependance is to take days off. Take one or two days off doing kratom per week, or take a week off per month, etc. It’s up to you, but give your body time to reset. (A lot of people would do well to do this with coffee as well!)

Also, avoid taking kratom constantly throughout the day. More than once is fine, but if your body is always under its effects, it learns it as a part of life rather than a healthy boost from time to time. An exception to these principles are if instructed by a doctor or otherwise needed for a medical condition, kratom use may be recommended throughout the day. Even in these cases one can avoid heavy dependance by monitoring the amount and reducing it from time to time or taking short breaks, if advised by your physician.

If you find yourself developing a tolerance—that is, needing more and more kratom each time, make a mindful effort to maintain the same level, or better yet start reducing your usage by 0.5-1 grams per week until you are at the level you would like to be. If you can handle it without withdrawals, you can even take a couple days off, which will reset the rising tolerance.

Something else that helps with kratom tolerance is to rotate strains. Rotate the use of red, white, and greens (and blends, such as yellow). Rotating trees / locations / vendors can help too, albeit very marginally. Rotation is helpful but never as important as taking days off.

How many kratom strains should I take?

First and foremost, you should try the green, white, and red strains and see what works best for you. It is recommended to mix these up or to take several strains in order to avoid developing a tolerance, especially if you take kratom every day. If you don’t take kratom every day, this is probably not necessary.

Some people take the three strains plus blends of them from 6 different brands that grow on 12 different trees, and there is nothing wrong with this, but it is really not necessary. For most people, finding one strain or two that work well for you and using a variety (red, white, and green) allows them to stick to what works best for them while mixing things up often enough to keep things interesting.

Is it ok to drink kratom and coffee side by side?

No, it is not ok…it is an absolute must!!! For real, it is perfectly fine to just one or both, and there are happy kratom users who do not drink much coffee; however, using the two together brings about a wonderful blend from the calm energy and mental clarity of kratom, plus the stimulation and soulful delight of coffee, together for an amazing full-spectrum energy to start the day.

It is interesting to note that while kratom is a partial agonist for the mu receptors in the brain, coffee is a partial antagonist for these same receptors. Because of this, mixing coffee with kratom tends to reduce the calming effects of kratom and increase the energetic and stimulating effects. It’s a great blend to start the day, not such a great blend if you need to relax.

Admittedly, the advantage that kratom will never have over coffee is the amazing smell & taste. However, you can mix kratom with various herbs and sweeteners to increase its health effects AND provide a great taste.

Is it ok to mix kratom with prescription drugs?

You should consult with a doctor or medical expert before mixing kratom with your prescriptions.

What are kratom extracts and should I buy them?

Kratom extracts take the active components from kratom and extract them from the plant. The entire plant isn’t removed, but much of the powder is left out, leaving a stronger solution. Although from the plant, extracts are less natural, as chemicals have been extracted from the plant without including the entire plant that is intended to be consumed together.

Using an extract is never going to be as beneficial as the entire leaf’s powder, as it leaves out important parts of the plant that play a major role in its natural benefit.

Extracts are also known to develop a tolerance quickly even when not used constantly. If you want a far superior effect and long-term health benefits from your kratom, we recommend you stay far away from extracts.

Are there side effects to kratom? If so, how do I avoid them?

Thankfully, there are not negative side effects for most people taking kratom, and better yet, those that exist are avoidable nearly 100% of the time. Common side effects include constipation, light headedness, loss of appetite, hair loss, and nausea. Some less common side effects are heightened blood pressure and liver damage. There are other side effects that include losing the urge to drink alcohol, losing the urge to eat unhealthy foods, a clearer mind, and some others that well for most people, are highly positive.

Virtually all of the negative side effects of kratom come down to one thing: HYDRATION. Make sure you hydrate regularly. Healthy hydration means taking regular drinks of water, not just one large glass all at once.

Kratom does 2 things that dehydrate you (both are good things):

  • It is mineral-based. As a mineral/salt-based plant, kratom will dehydrate your body. Along with water, you’ll get tremendous benefits from these minerals.
  • It cleans out your body. This is another reason kratom is so healthy!! However, it also dehydrates you, meaning that drinking water is essential.

The other major culprit for kratom side effects is overuse/abuse. If you know anyone who has abused a substance, even a substance as normal and harmless as coffee, you will know that inordinate or improper use will cause harm from any substance.

You can avoid most harmful side effects of kratom by reducing your usage (dose and frequency) to a small, moderate amount that your body can handle, and by hydrating up. If you still have negative side effects, you can:

  • Use only small amounts of kratom
  • Find supplements that counter the negative effects (it may be a mineral balance / diet / personal body issue)
  • Consult with a knowledgeable health practitioner

Is Kratom Harmful or Addictive?

Kratom is in the coffee family, and found by experts to have addictive qualities and potential for harm on the same level as coffee.

As a coffee plant, kratom is technically a mild drug and can be addictive. When used too much, improperly, or to satisfy an addition, it can have adverse effects, and leaving kratom can bring withdrawals. If abuse or overuse does occur, withdrawals can be managed or entirely avoided through proper tapering. As with any ingredient, moderation/balance and proper use are essential.

It is recommended to seek a physician’s advice before using the product if you are: pregnant, nursing, with a serious medical condition, or using medications.

Generally, varying usage and even taking days off on a regular basis is a great way to get the highest value from the plant while mitigating its risks. This advice varies highly from person to person though. It is also advisable to immediately slow consumption if you find yourself developing a tolerance.

What Types and Strains of Kratom Are There?

Contrary to popular belief, there are only three strains of kratom. In fact, there is really one and only one type of kratom, as the kratom leaves are always initially green, although it becomes three varieties with distinct properties depending on how it is dried & processed.

Kratom strains are based on the color of the leaves after processing. After drying and sometimes fermentation, the veins from the leaves turn green, red, or white.

Based on this color of the veins in the leaves after processing, kratom is categorized into three strains with varying potencies, effects, and usage.

Additional colors/strains known in the market are simply blends of these 3 main strains. And added names such as “Bali,” “Malay,” “Vietnam,” etc., usually represent where it is grown. Although these can make a difference, the quality of farming and processing plays a much greater role than location in the plant’s effectiveness, just as is the case with coffee beans, fruits, vegetables, and any other plant.

About these 3 colors / strains:


Green is the most traditional of all the strains. In fact, all kratom leaves and veins start out green and are only changed through various processing techniques. Green is considered the most balanced of all kratom strains, having a wide array of positive effects.

The effects of greens strains are somewhere between the red and white strains. They can offer a subtle stimulant effect similar to white while also bringing clarity, mental health, and physical wellbeing like red.


Red is best known for its calming effects. It is great at reducing mental clutter and promoting an overall improvement in mental health. It can also be used for major boosts of productivity especially when calmness and a deep focus is needed.

The strain is the most effective for providing physical comfort and relaxation.


White carries the highest stimulation of the three strains and usually lasts the longest, providing energy, endurance, alertness, and focus.

Perfect for long and tiring days, this strain can serve as a wake-up and productivity booster similar to your rounds of coffee, but with an added overall mental wellness effect.