Transforming lives through high quality, organic kratom is not our only mission. Our other mission is to further the understanding and positive use of kratom around the whole world through research and education.

Because we do not have the big budgets of large companies and because kratom is a plant rather than a pharmaceutical drug, the scope and strategy of our research and progress will differ from the kinds of research and clinical trials carried forth for drugs.

Our initial research before actually beginning the business included reading books, articles, reading comments across the Internet, and piecing as much as we could together, just like any individual interested in learning about kratom might do. We found that unfortunately the scholarly research on this plant is rather scarce, and much of it shallow or biased. Also, there are not a lot of kratom books out there, and those that we did read through lacked scientific backing and had a good deal of misinformation. We were able to discover this and learn more about the plant when we connected to local farmers in Indonesia and started talking directly with them about kratom.

The most comprehensive information you can find on how kratom works today is by simply talking to users and reading their accounts online. There are thousands upon thousands of testimonials, stories, advice and more, from various opinions and perspectives, most from actual users. Although extremely beneficial, reading comments online fails to accomplish a scientific approach to studying kratom or to present results in a scientific manner.

Because of this we are broadening our research and working hard to put together systematic scientific research and discussion. Our intention is to produce great, detailed scientific research and analysis on kratom, from its basic mechanics to its effects, both the good and the bad. This will take time, but with effort and intention it will happen.

In time, this project will produce:

  • Video discussions with scientists, experts, & researchers
  • Videos, articles breaking down kratom science and what it means on a practical level
  • Books and scholarly articles

Our goal is to support the furtherance of the safe use of kratom around the world, by helping people understand the plant’s benefits and avoid its potential dangers and harms. When we complete this research we will present it in both a thorough and scientific form and also in concise and digestible forms suitable for the typical person. Having this will also help lawmakers and the FDA make good decisions on kratom, based on the science of kratom, benefits, how to avoid potential harms, and more.

We are currently looking for scientists to partner with who have expertise in the kratom field. If you know any great such scientists who we should consider partnering up with, please let us know!!

We may not have the budgets of massive corporations or the thousands of scholarly articles and books that accompany various drugs and materials. However, we do have one huge thing going in our favor, and that is: YOU. Between 5 million+ kratom users in the US alone, the vast majority of whom are seeing highly positive effects with no negative effects, we have an opportunity like no other to tap into the actual results of millions of users and dissect the effects. One person’s personal account is not science; thousands, tens of thousands, or millions of carefully studied personal accounts does become science.

When you order from us, our humble request is that you allow us to follow up with you over the weeks, months, and years on your kratom experience, what effects it gives you, and how it impacts your life journey. Although this is completely optional, it is one of the early stages in our mission to bring kratom education and research to the world. This way, the world will learn more about the plant’s benefits, education on use, and replace misconceptions with science and data.

Product Requests

We are looking to add new products and because this process takes time and effort, we need your feedback to choose which ones to add first.

No product is added without first going through a series of blind tests alongside other organic products to ensure that we choose the best possible option. After choosing the best option, we put this product through a 7-stage independent laboratory testing to ensure quality and purity. For any Kaizen product you see on the shelf or online, you can be fully confident that it is organic and has been both blind tested and lab tested to ensure purity and the highest quality.

Because this process takes time and is expensive, we do not quickly bring new products to market, but instead we choose several candidates based on top demands from our customers. Because of this, we would love to hear from you what products you want us to carry, so that we can choose which products to research and source next.

We are also looking into adding substantiators, alternatives, vitamins, and other health supplements, and we welcome any feedback and requests you have on those.

Improving Our Products and Your Experience

Kaizen Kratom would not be where it is without abundant feedback from members of our team, people close to us, and also customers like you. We genuinely read and consider every comment and piece of feedback we are given. As our name “Kaizen” represents, our mission is to not only improve the world,

but to strive to improve ourselves every day. The best way we can improve is by taking into account feedback from customers like you.

Leave feedback

Please leave feedback below. Please note that you can always call us or email us at as well. We look forward to hearing from you!