Kaizen Kratom is the bomb. I have tried quite a few other kratom powders as well as capsules in the past, some are sketchy, some are so-so, and some are great. Unquestionably though none that I have tried compares to Kaizen kratom. I take it for energy, staying healthy, feeling good, and helping out at work, and the kratom results is the best of all of them with Kaizen.

Long-lasting. I’ve never had a strain that not only lasts so long, but that the effects (not just the high) last for 4-5 hours. Even after the high is gone I feel like some of the positive effects are still with me.

I also don’t have to take as much. The quality and effects are so good, I can take a somewhat lower dose than other brands and get better results. It works!!!

What can I say, try it – you won’t be disappointed